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Sugar Ant, Salt Ant Revisted

A New Slant on a Traditional Tale

by Bob Quinn

Once upon a time an ant was toiling in the hot sun on his salt anthill when another ant from a nearby neighborhood happened by. The newcomer attempted to strike up a friendly conversation with the ant on the hill of salt. After they had exchanged greetings the newcomer remarked: “Isn’t it wonderful how sweet our anthills are?” You see, the ant out for a stroll came from a place where the anthills were made of sugar, and he had mistaken the salt in front of him for sugar. The salt ant replied that he must be crazy, it was just salt, there was no such thing as sweet, that sweet was just an old wives’ tale for people who couldn’t deal with the harsh reality of salt. Life was salt, day after day, salt and nothing else. People who couldn’t handle that made up stories like the existence of sweetness. Sweetness, Easter Ant, Santa Ant, they were all fairy tales for little kids. He was too busy working for such nonsense.

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