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Self Doubt – A Silent Killer

When I was in Japan in the summer of 2007 to study Meridian Therapy I recall an incident with an MD in our group. He had practiced acupuncture, as I recall, for 17 years at that point and was really quite good. He practiced the Toyohari style. One day when he saw up close how advanced Shudo sensei’s treatment skills were, he had to be “talked down off the ledge” so to speak because he wanted to quit practicing. He thought: “I am never, ever going to be even close to how good Shudo is, so I might as well quit.” Luckily we did talk him out of quitting and he is still in practice, and I am sure he is helping many people.

The same thing happened in Portland a few years ago. We hosted a seminar with a senior practitioner who is certainly on my short list of the very best we have produced in the US. His skills were amazing to witness, and again someone spoke up (oddly this person had also been in Japan with me in 2007) and said he thought he ought to just throw in the towel, there was no sense continuing… The presenter replied that he himself still went through that same kind of negative self-talk. I was surprised to hear this, because the treatment skills and scholarship of this doctor are truly impressive. 

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